
Expanding generation forecast capabilities into wind

At Amperon, we strive to improve grid reliability, optimize asset economics, and accelerate decarbonization. Since our inception, we have modernized grid data and introduced cutting-edge AI methodologies to tackle the electricity grid’s biggest forecasting challenges: demand and renewable generation. In February 2024, we took a major step forward by launching our first asset-level solar forecasting products as we now offer both hourly and sub-hourly solar generation forecasts.

Today, we are excited to announce the expansion of our forecasting capabilities to address the significant challenges in wind generation forecasting. By leveraging our expertise in weather data, grid operations, and machine-learning methodologies, we now deliver highly accurate and reliable forecasts for wind assets worldwide.  

We see this expansion as a crucial step in supporting the continued growth and deployment of wind assets. As cumulative global wind capacity surpasses 1 terawatt and continues to grow at over 10% annually, this renewable sector will play an increasingly critical role in global decarbonization effort. To remain competitive in wholesale markets, asset owners will require more sophisticated tools to effectively manage generation and maximize financial returns. Our wind forecasting product is designed to meet these needs, offering the insights and precision needed to optimize asset performance.  

Accurate Asset-Level Wind Short-Term Forecast

For wind asset owners who manage load and bid into wholesale markets, Amperon offers a 15-day asset-level wind generation forecast that provides hourly granularity and is updated hourly. This empowers asset owners and operators to forecast net load and confidently position themselves in wholesale markets.

On the Amperon platform and via our API, users can access:

  • 15-day wind generation forecasts for assets globally, updated hourly.
  • Flexibility viewing options, allowing turbine, site, or portfolio level forecasting views.
  • Forecast accuracy metrics calculated using capacity-normalized mean absolute error (cnMAE), providing full transparency into the performance and reliability of our models. Learn more about our approach to renewable forecast accuracy.
Amperon's 15-day asset-level wind generation forecast.
Accelerating Our Renewable Future

Amperon’s complete suite of forecasting solutions for both windand solar assets empowers Independent Power Producers, Utilities, Public Power entities, and other renewable energy asset owners to navigate the complexities of renewable energy generation with confidence and precision.  

Contact us today to learn more about how Amperon can help you optimize your wind forecasts and assets.  

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